Saturday, January 22, 2011

Myth-4 Saunas and Steam Baths Are Good For The Skin

The most common belief about heat treatments such as saunas and steam baths is that they help reduce weight. However, it’s now well known that any weight loss by these methods is from fluid, through sweat, which is replaced immediately on rehydration. Recent research does show that saunas may have some value in recovery from vigorous exercise in top-level athletes. They can also provide a psychological feeling of wellbeing, which shouldn’t be undervalued. However, they have little or no value in ‘cleansing’ the skin. Indeed, in young children (who have an increased skin area compared with adults and are more vulnerable to the effects of overheating) and in the elderly they can be potentially dangerous. This is especially so where cardiac problems exist. Heat treatments tend to lower the blood pressure, then a cold shower (or roll in the snow in the case of the Scandinavians) can raise it dramatically as the arteries contract suddenly to preserve heat. Where there are inherent heart problems this presents a dangerous combination. Even in Finland, where there is said to be one sauna for every four members of the population, the benefit of the practice is now being questioned.

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