Sunday, April 29, 2012

Simple Acne Removal - Do You Know The Secrets Of Eradicating Acne Breakouts?

acne elimination
In many countries in the world above eighty percent of all teenagers get the bacterial skin disease also known as acne and one percent of adult males and five percent of adult females may be affected by the adult onset variety of acne. Acne skin problem usually arises when the oil glands underneath the skin surface produce excess amount of sebum oil, a natural material that exudes out of the skin pores and helps to lubricate the skin layers and keep it stretchy. When too much sebum oil is produced it can combine with dead skin cells and other material and plug up the skin pores above hair follicles.

Blocked up pores in your skin could make the skin surface feel oily and in many cases cause spots called blackheads or whiteheads to emerge. These tend to be concentrated on the upper chest and back of your body as well as on your face for the reason that this is where many of the sebaceous glands on your body are concentrated. A lot of the spots will clear up by themselves but some of them could get infected by acne bacteria that live on your skin. Soreness and swelling on the surface of your skin may cause pimples and pustules and if the skin inflammation occurs in the deep inner layers, it could lead to the formation of painful cysts.

Roduve Healthcare Soltuions
Acne elimination could be done however it is a good idea to understand the reasons of the skin condition prior to attempts to control it. Acne is usually attributable to heredity and genetic factors, so if a persons parents had the skin disorder they may be afflicted by it too. Youngsters have a very high incidence of acne due to a higher production of this male hormone testosterone during adolescent puberty. This would cause the body to secrete more sebum oil which might result in acne causing plugged skin pores. Females during their menstrual periods or while being pregnant also experience these hormonal variations.

Acne removal and reduction needs to be focused on three different measures. The 1st step is to prevent fresh infections from occurring by controlling skin microorganisms and sebum oil secretion. The second thing which needs to be done is to manage and reduce the the already existing skin inflammations and swellings. The third concern is to make sure that the cysts and pimples do not become large and serious so that you will be able to prevent permanent skin scarring. Acne removal procedure should start with cleansing of the skin to remove surplus sebum oil and detritus such as dead skin cells.

Acne removal starts with cleansing and killing bacteria on the skin. A good product to do this is benzoyl peroxide, an antibacterial agent and exfoliate that will cleanse a thin layer of sebum oil and dead skin cells from your face and body while destroying the acne causing bacteria. Numerous preparations that can be purchased over the counter at drug stores to eliminate acne have this ingredient in them. Benzoyl peroxide can irritate sensitive skin and if this happens then azelaic acid is a soft cleansing agent which has similar properties. Vitamin A based retinoids can unplug skin pores that are blocked.

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