Sunday, September 4, 2011

Can Smoking Cause Acne?

Whether you smoke or not, you are sure to know how harmful smoking is. It causes various cancers, premature ageing and permanent damage to the skin, teeth decay, bad breath and many other nasty health conditions. And with an estimated three billion deaths a year occurring worldwide contributed from smoking, it still does not discourage many from the deadly habit. It perhaps makes sense that while not commonly associated with acne in the past, a person who smokes skin cannot be as healthy as those who do not smoke and new evidence that has come to light that suggests that female smokers, more so than male smokers can suffer from “smokers acne.

Am I At Risk Of Smokers Acne?

Research conducted has shown than in a study of 1,000 women aged 25-50, over 40% of them had acne, only 10% of non-smokers suffered from acne. Smokers who suffered from acne in their younger years are also thought to be as much as four times more likely to suffer from acne as an adult than adults who did not smoke. The type of acne most common amongst smokers is called non-inflammatory acne (NIA) which is predominately blackheads and whiteheads, blackheads are especially unsightly and can take a long time to drain away. It is thought that the toxic chemicals and carcinogens found in cigarette smoke clog the pores and promote bacterial growth leading to breakouts. It does not mean that because you smoke you will necessarily suffer acne but if you suffered from acne as a teen then breakouts are probably more likely.

What Else Will Smoking Do To My Skin?

Tobacco produces many harmful effects on the skin, a lot more detrimental than acne. Heavy smokers in particular are at risk of looking a lot older than they really are so apart from the possibility of breakouts, smoking will leave the skin looking leathery, the natural levels of vitamin A that the body produces is significantly reduced which can leave your complexion looking pale, prone to premature lines and wrinkles particularly around the delicate mouth area.  You may be more at risk for certain types of skin cancers. It is not just excessive sun exposure that causes skin cancer, damage to the cell’s DNA by smoking can make you more susceptible.

How Can I Prevent Smokers Acne?

The only way to safeguard against ‘smokers acne’ is to quit smoking. There is no real scientific evidence to suggest that smoking 100% causes acne but the proof certainly suggests that it is a factor. But this does not mean by quitting smoking you will never suffer another breakout but if you are already predisposed to breakouts, but continuing will smoke will only exacerbate the problem. By quitting smoking you can avoid doing further damage to your skin.

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