Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Eliminating Ugly Acne Marks

For some diseases, the name says it all. Acne, the dreaded symptoms, which manifests itself as pimples or acne, is scientifically called acne vulgaris. And true to its name, it is unsightly and often causes more than just physical scars among millions of teenagers worldwide. But like any other physical manifestation that acne has a remedy.

Sure, there are a wide range of them available on the market for you to choose from, but honestly, the acne is not a permanent condition and acne cures that exist really work.

Before us is available from acne cures begins, it could be a good idea to try and understand what causes acne to be in the first place. Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by poor facial hygiene.

Almost everyone believes that this and any acne cures but that originate from this belief probably not work. What cause acne, but hormonal changes in the body that are in the production of excessive oil from the sebaceous glands.

In some other cases, the acne is caused when the pores are clogged or when the sebaceous glad himself a victim of an infection. To work, must first target acne cures the underlying problem.

An acne cure that infection of the sebaceous glad, for example, targets unlikelythat in a case, if the acne is a direct result of the hair channel blockade to work. As with any other disease, acne treatments must also target and work on the cause of the problem.

There are different types of acne treatments available in the market. First, there are topical acne cures. These usually contain some creams or lotions that can be applied directly to the affected area.

This type of acne cures usually include topical antibiotics, glycolic acid, lactic acid and gluconic acid. In some cases, such acne cures also an active ingredient such as azelaic acid cream, and in cases where the acne is severe, accutane and Sotret could be active components.

In addition to the current, there are several oral acne treatments available. Most pharmacies and drug stores have a variety of oral acne treatments available readily on their shelves.

But before you cure such acne, it might be a good idea, a dermatologist who can identify not only to see the cause of your acne individual, but also prescribe the most appropriate treatment for you.

An innovation in acne research field has brought healing to the fore a different kind of acne. This is the laser treatment of acne and is increasingly popular, as the results have shown to be spectacular.

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1 comment:

  1. Great tips and thanks for the suggestions. I've been looking for the best acne treatment creams my whole life.



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