Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Acne Remedies Products

There are many acne remedies products designed to clear up acne pimples that simply don’t work. The most popular products on the market today are the famous benzoyl peroxide based acne cream

These creams are designed for acne prone skin care and aim to eliminate the bacteria which causes it. In theory, without bacteria, acne would not form. The active ingredient in most creams for pimples is benzoyl peroxide, which has been proven to kill p. acne vulgaris but is also very damaging to the skin.

Benzoyl peroxide dries up the skin, pharmaceutical companies have combined benzoyl peroxide with moisturizing agents to neutralize this effect.

The Problem with most Products used in the Treatment of Acne

The problem with all acne creams is that it only temporarely kills the bacteria. The bacteria that is responsible for acne is very resilient and returns withing hours of it being killed. This is why the only successful acne cream regimen seems to be Dan’s from in which he applies exorbitants amount of cream all over his face. The cream is then absorbed by the skin and provides longer lasting effects versus bacteria.

It is then essential to apply massive amounts of moisturizer in order to keep your face from litteraly peeling off. He claims that it takes 2-3 months for your face to get adjusted harshness of the benzoyl peroxide, after which the redness fades away.

I do not know the long term effects of this treatment, but I would imagine that applying heavy dosages of benzoil peroxide for 10 years would not be healthy. Especially since your liver is responsible for filtering all the chemicals absorbed through your skin.

The solution to treat acne? Avoid most  acne creams!

The worse acne creams seem to be the ones that are commercially available over the counter. These do not successfully kill the bacteria and dry the skin. This results in more breakouts than before, resulting in the consumer buying more creams. Instead, concentrating on keeping your skin as healthy as possible will be much more effective in your fight against acne. So throw those acne remedies products away, most of them are junk anyways.

Our First Recommended Products
Pai Skincare Ltd

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